One Song Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions

First session:

Our first meeting is where we would explore what it is that you are seeking. To meet one another and see if your needs and my skills match.


Sessions are normally weekly, unless it is agreed that more contact time would be beneficial, during a significantly more challenging or difficult period for you.

Time and money:

Each session starts promptly at our previously agreed time.
The cost for a session is:

£ 85.00 per 50 minute DAY TIME sessions (From 09.00 till 14.00 UK times)

There are student and unemployed concessions available.

I also offer counselling Supervission £ 90 per 1.5hrs . Less for those with a low case load and just starting out.
Group work is also available (2 hour meetings): Please contact me for details.

Missed and cancelled sessions:

Missed and cancelled sessions (without 48hrs notice), unless re-scheduled in the same week (and subject to my availability), are payable in full. There is no fee for scheduled holidays and planned gaps.


All sessions are confidential and records are kept securely. Sessions are conducted according to the Codes of Ethics and Practice of the BACP.


It is in the interest of the client not to take any substances, which will alter mental functioning when attending sessions, apart from prescribed medication. Therefore, clients are required to undertake, not to attend sessions under the influence of alcohol or drugs other than prescribed by a GP.


A minimum of two sessions is required to terminate for all but very brief, short term work (six to twelve weeks), and considerably longer for long term work (i.e., more than one year).

Limits of confidentiality:

According to the requirements of the BACP (British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy), I may submit client work, either verbal or written for supervision. Any material so submitted will be disguised in order to protect the identity of the client and it will only be to others bound by the same Code of Ethics and confidentiality as myself.

In exceptional cases, where the safety of the client and/or others may be at risk, I reserve the right to contact the client’s GP, the emergency medical services, or police. I may also need to make disclosure's if a court of law compelled me to give evidence. If I do take such action, I will inform my client at the time, if at all possible.

How long will I need to come

There is no set answer and this depends on what you want. This would be determined via our assessment session (see below), and from this place we would normally contract for a given period of time (typically six weeks) and review periodically to ensure that the direction of work is meeting your desires. Some clients work on focussed topics, such as bereavement, divorce, career, stuckness and depression and others for years, focussing on personal development and support in life and as counselling students.

If you have an additional questions please do call 07411450950 or email me: [email protected] to see if I can help.


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